Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Li De La Russe Nikki St George  Gothic Submarines   
 2. DJ Fresh  Submarines  Jungle Sound Gold / CD 1  
 3. Charlie And His Orchestra  Submarines    
 4. Thomas Dolby  One of Our Submarines  Sole Inhabitant Podcast Episode 2  
 5. Thomas Dolby  One of Our Submarines  Sole Inhabitant Podcast Episode 2  
 6. brother  submarines  the slsk. june 2003 
 7. Scared Of Chaka  Submarines  S/T 
 8. Zinc  Submarines  http://www.youcancallmepelski.com/  
 9. Zinc  Submarines  BBASS1  
 10. Charlie And His Orchestra  Submarines    
 11. A.C. Newman  Submarines Of Stockholm  Get Guilty  
 12. A.C. Newman  Submarines of Stockholm  Get Guilty  
 13. AC Newman  Submarines of Stockholm  Get Guilty  
 14. everythinguwantugotit  The Submarines - Brighter Discontent  Everything u want u got it! 
 15. everythinguwantugotit  The Submarines - Peace and Hate  Everything u want u got it! 
 16. everythinguwantugotit  The Submarines - Brightest Hour  Everything u want u got it! 
 17. AC Newman  Submarines of Stockholm (Edit)  Get Guilty 
 18. ( )DJ Fresh  Submarines (Domestic cold war  ( )Escape From Planet Monday  
 19. AC Newman  Submarines of Stockholm (Edit)  Get Guilty 
 20. AC Newman  Submarines of Stockholm (Edit)  Get Guilty 
 21. AC Newman  Submarines of Stockholm (Edit)  Get Guilty 
 22. Cruxshadows  Gothic    
 23. WelicoRuss  Gothic Sky  WinterMoon Symphony (demo) 
 24. Graeme Norgate  TS1 Gothic Tileset  TimeSplitters 1 
 25. Draconian  The gothic embrace  The Burning Halo   
 26. Draconian  The gothic embrace  The Burning Halo  
 27. International Pony  Gothic Girl  Mit Dir sind wir Vier  
 28. Immediate Music  Gothic Power    
 29. G.I.E.Z.  Gothic Engel  Seid geheiligt ! 
 30. Hiroyuki Nanba  09 Gothic Neclord (II)  Genso Suikoden Ongakushu 
   1 2    »
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